'Whose child is this?' The touching moment Harry helps a lost little boy find his mum

Harry to the rescue
By Practical Parenting team
October 31 2018
This is the touching moment on his royal tour that Harry stopped everything and tried to help a lost little boy reunite with his family.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were taking part in a meet-and-greet on the last day of their Royal Tour in New Zealand. They were in Rotorua when the toddler somehow squeeze himself through the barriers and was wandering around, looking very lost.
Harry, 34, spotted the child coming up behind him and gently guided him back the way he had come saying, 'Whose child is this?'

The royal could be seen scanning the crowds in a desperate bid to find the child's parents. Eventually, he spotted the parents and guided the little toddler back to them.
The un-named boy, who was wearing a Super Powers top seemed totally unaware that he was lost or that he had a very special royal helper.

Prince Harry and wife Meghan Markle announced last month that they are expecting their first baby in April 2019. They fly back to the UK today following a 16-day tour of Australia, the South Pacific and New Zealand.
On their last day in Rotorua, the lively crowds were thrilled to meet the royals and there were plenty of hugs and cuddles for the royal pair.