Mum SLAMS teacher after she tells her 9-year-old to wear a bra!

Parents are outraged by the request
By Practical Parenting team
February 11 2019
A teacher has been slammed by parents for asking a nine-year-old to wear a bra or crop top at school to hide her nipples.
An anonymous mum on parenting site Mumsnet turned to other parents for advice when her daughter asked her to buy the bra after a request from her teacher.
She wrote, “DD came to me last night saying that she needed a sports bra or crop top for P.E in the future. The teacher had told this to a group of girls who had been doing gymnastics and their t-shirts had fallen down when doing handstands.”

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“I can only assume this is to cover up their 9-year-old nipples for fear of………..what exactly?” she continued.
"Are the boys told to cover their nipples also?"
“I can understand it being reasonable at 9 for girls who have started growing breasts,” she added.
“But again none of these girls who were told to cover up have.
“If that was the case surely the way to go about it would be to have a discreet word with that child’s parents rather than a blanket rule for all.
“Now my DD [darling daughter] thinks she has to cover up her non existent breasts.”
Plenty of other users shared the mum's rage about the teacher's shock request.
“You need to tell the teacher to concentrate on her job and leave the parenting to the parents,” one user wrote.
“Make an appointment to see that teacher AND the HT and demand that they put guidelines in place which do not allow for any more sexualising of CHILDREN and that if anyone looks at a flat child’s chest and sees something sexual in it then THEY ARE THE PROBLEM. Not the child’s body,” they wrote.
“I wouldn’t be happy that the girls are being given the message that their bodies must be covered, it’s sending the message that they are objects to be viewed rather than full people like the boys from a very early age,” another parent commented.
"Can't your daughter just wear a tighter singlet? Underneath her t-shirt?," said another.

But other people did have sympathy with the teacher.
“It’s fair enough rather than singling put some girls. Lots of girls enter puberty at that age,” one parent commented.
“I needed a bra at 9,” another shared. “Better the teacher encourages all of them to wear one than singles out that one girl who knows she’s drawn the short straw by being first to develop.”
“I don’t really see the problem,” a third wrote. “It may only be an issue for some of the girls now but it’s only a matter of time for the others. Better to encourage them all now rather than having some of them feeling left out/wondering why their friends have them, etc. Or singling out the girls who obviously need them. Kids don’t like being different from their friends at that age, so I think the teacher’s approach is sensible.”