This mum bulk-bought her kids lunches - and she is being SLAMMED!

Read the reason why HERE!
By Practical Parenting team
February 10 2019
It’s easy to spend $100's on kids’ snacks, meals, lunches and recess foods but one Queensland mum has shared her trip for getting all her kids’ Term One food supplies in one go, for a fraction of the price.
Mum Sala shared on the Markdown Addicts Australia Facebook group, how a trip to her local Golden Circle Outlet factory saw her pick up hundreds of drinks, recess snacks and school lunches - enough to last her for next seven weeks.
She writes: ‘Always look forward to my Golden Circle Outlet trip. School snacks sorted for term 1. Today was the closest I’ve gotten to $150. I always spend less than that. All this plus more that’s already down 4 tiny tummies came to $149.50.’

Sala added that there are two Golden Circle Factory Outlets in Queensland - located at Capalaba and Morayfield - and that ‘prices change almost everyday unless it’s on the fortnightly catalogue.’
She added that it was a great place to buy school lunches in one big bulk-buy.

But while many of the Markdown Addicts Australia members were blown away by Sala’s mammoth haul, others took issue with what she had bought from the store.
Despite Sala begging others to please to ‘save your nutritious stories for somebody else 😊’, it seemed some couldn’t help themselves.
‘$150 of sugar!!! Think of how much fruit and vegetables you could have bought 😔’ wroteone critic. Added another: All I see is a lot of sugar and unhealthy, overweight children 😏’
However their comments were drowned out by Sala’s supporters.
Said one: The post mentions to leave your nutritious stories for someone else. Any food is better than no food especially if you have fussy children. Not very nice to be saying that at all about children being overweight. What message are you sending there? It’s not all about body image.’
Added another: ‘I think people need to remember this is not EVERYTHING the kids are going to be eating!!
‘If you actually read the caption Sala put up it clearly says just snacks!! For those of you commenting saying you wouldn’t feed it to your dog or the kids are going to be overweight!!
‘Get over your selves, and don’t act like you’ve never given your kids any of these things!!!

‘I’d bloody love to be a fly on the wall when you’re preparing lunches for your kids daily!!!’
Added one more: ‘My kids were taught to eat anything and everything. Low, high, no sugar same as fats etc. But they were also taught to balance food etc. Its a personal choice of how we raise our kids but like everything we teach them 😀’
One thing everyone could agree on was that Sala scored herself a massive bargain. ‘So jealous!’ wrote one. For more budget tips and tricks, make sure you’re following Markdown Addicts Australia’s Facebook page - you’ll love it.
What Sala Got In Her Haul
Here are just some of the items the Queensland mum picked up!
* Poppers 24 pack - $5
* Milk poppers 24 pack - $6
* Aeroplane jelly crystals 24 pack - $7 (I mixed flavours)
* Sun bite crackers 10 pack - $5
* Fantastic delites - $1 each
* Fortune noodles 12 pack - $9
* Noodle snacks - $3 pack
* Nobbys Peanuts - $2 each
* Heinz Spaghetti 3 pack - $2.50
* Sweet potato chips 12 pack - $7.50
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