Can you see why a pre-school REJECTED this lunchbox?

They sent it home with a note...
By Practical Parenting team
February 02 2019
A furious mum has revealed that she packed her child a lunchbox for daycare, but it was sent home after being labelled 'unhealthy'.
Can you see why?
Mum Laura Lee revealed on Facebook that her two-year-old son came home with a note saying THIS lunch wasn't healthy enough.
Laura revealed on Facebook that the problem was with the three mini cookies and added that staff at the pre-school stopped her son from eating them and they were returned!

The health-conscious mum said she was shocked by the decision and other Facebook users were quick to agree.
'Absolute rubbish that he wasn't allowed to get those small cookies. Everything in moderation surely.'
'One small treat and they refuse to let him eat? This is outrageous!'
But others agreed that it was unhealthy to have three cookies in a pre-schooler's lunchbox.
'I can see their point,' said one commenter. 'One biscuit would be enough? Or maybe there are nuts in there? You can't be too careful these days.'
Laura's post came after teachers on Facebook listed all the really unhealthy lunches they have seen pupils bring in - one included a can of Redbull.
Guidelines for healthy lunches for toddlers include encouraging your children with protein like ham, chicken, canned fish, roast meat, hummus, egg or low-fat cheese and avoiding devon or turkey roll, as they’re usually high in fat and very high in salt. But nutritionists believe it's important to add in a treat occasionally.
For more information on the perfect lunch box, try here.