This French bulldog puppy is the star of a newborn photo shoot and the world is OBSESSED!

A newborn baby photographer used her skills to create a puppy photoshoot and the results are beyond cute.
By Nikki Black
April 18 2019
OK, so we’ve all seen newborn photo shoots that have melted our hearts – but this one takes the cake!
Brenden Boggs of So Cute Photo takes the most beautiful newborn baby photos but as soon as she saw Olive, this cute-as-a-button French Bulldog puppy, she decided to shoot her as in the same way she would shoot a newborn baby.
And the results do not disappoint. At all. Our hearts!
“As a newborn photographer, it’s pretty safe to say I love babies… But you say puppy and I lose my mind—like my heart cannot handle it,” Boggs wrote in a blog post on her website.
Just take a look.

Copyright: So Cute Photo

Copyright: So Cute Photo

Copyright: So Cute Photo

Copyright: So Cute Photo
You can see ALL the photos of little Olive here!
With close-up pictures of this little little puppy's paws, those big eyes and the flower crown, there’s no doubt the world needs more of Olive and her owners have obliged with her own Instagram page.