Urgent product recall on Smiggle drink bottles

Bottles are faulty and may cause choking
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (The ACCC) has issued an urgent recall on popular Smiggle drink bottles.
The Aussie retail giant Smiggle is popular with schoolchildren, their colourful and fun range of stationary and school accessories feature in most schools across the nation.
Parents are urged to check their children’s drinking bottles after the recall was issued.

Smiggle sip stainless steel drink bottles have been found to have a defect. The spout on the bottles may detach, posing a choking and ingestion hazard.
The bottles have been available at Smiggle stores and online from September 23 2019 until February 20 this year. The stainless steel bottles are available in blue and pastel colours.

The ACCC has advised customers to cease using the bottles immediately and return to Smiggle for a refund.
For more information please call 1800 612 236 (Monday to Friday, 9am - 5.30pm AEDT) or email product@smiggle.com.au or visit www.smiggle.com for more information.
Watch: Here's why food is recalled

Michelle Connolly has worked as a photo director, social media manager and photo editor at some of Australia's biggest media companies, including New Idea. She is now editor of Practical Parenting and loving mum-of-two.