Just in: This new Christmas TV ad is guaranteed to give you goosebumps!

Need to get into the Christmas spirit? Done!
By Practical Parenting team
November 16 2018
Do you need a jolt to start feeling the Christmas spirit?
This video will help!
Christmas TV adverts have become a bit of phenomenon over the last few years, with retailers competing to see who can produce the one that gets us weeping or laughing.
But we reckon this one wins the award for doing both! Plus, giving us goosebumps too!
Although we've never quite seen any school Christmas play quite as professional as this one (those costumes!), it really sums up what it feels like to watch your child on stage.
The video is for Sainsbury's - a UK supermarket like Coles or Woolworths - and is called The Big Night and fans are loving it with many hailing it as as the feel-good TV ad of the year.
Have a look and see what you think!
Sniff. We're not crying... you are!