Warning: Momo Challenge is hacking innocent videos of Peppa Pig on Youtube

The disturbing content appears half way through the cartoon...
By Frances Sheen
February 27 2019
Momo Challenge is the dangerous online game that encourages children to hurt themselves and others.
Now the terrifying 'game' is said to be showing altered versions of children's TV shows like Peppa Pig on YouTube.
Horrified mothers have issued frightening warnings to other parents after finding Peppa Pig cartoons on YouTube showing Peppa being mutilated and tortured.
Mum, Deborah Henley, made the disturbing discovery after she settled down to watch videos of the popular kids cartoon on YouTube with her little daughter - a huge fan of the show.
The fake videos, which are not made by the official creators of the cartoon show, appear un-edited for the first two or three minutes, but then they show Peppa and other characters being viciously attacked and obscenely tortured.
Or clips that seem innocent at first show the Momo character - a creepy woman with straggly hair, protruding eyes and a devil grin appear on the clip to entice children to contact her through social media.
In the screenshots below (taken from the videos on YouTube), Peppa Pig can be seen decapitated, drinking bleach, and in one case appearing to stab herself in the head.

You Tube

In a post on Facebook, Deborah said, "Please please please monitor what your kids are watching on YouTube or Kids YouTube.
"If they're going to watch shows, watch with them! Supervision is so important. There's some things that are just NOT for kids but disguised as kids' shows with kids' characters.
"I screen shotted [sic] these just now watching Peppa Pig with my daughter."
Another parent said that she had seen a similar version involving a fake video and the characters from Paw Patrol.
"One of the videos was of Paw Patrol characters and cute songs like 'baa baa black sheep'. It seemed fine at first, but my husband never stopped watching it with my son just in case.
"About halfway through the video the little Paw Patrol character took out a bottle of pills and took them. Then it showed her laying on the couch passed out with the pills all over the floor. Another character came in and started shaking her and crying!"

This week, police and schools have issued warnings to parents about the Momo Challenge which threatens to “curse children” unless they do not take part in a series of challenges including self-harm and dangerous tasks.
“Challenges appear midway through Kids YouTube, Fortnite and Peppa Pig to avoid detection by adults," said one school.
“Please be vigilant with your child using IT, images are very disturbing.”
A YouTube spokesperson said: "We work to ensure the videos in YouTube Kids are family-friendly and take feedback very seriously. We appreciate people drawing problematic content to our attention, and make it possible for anyone to flag a video.
Police issue warnings over Momo Challenge
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