WATCH HERE: Mum and blogger Constance Hall's begs Australia to stop bullying her, and others, in emotional video

The blogger and mum has made an emotional plea...
By Practical Parenting team
January 30 2019
Constance Hall, the controversial blogger and mum, has made an impassioned plea to Australia to stop all cyber bullying in an emotional video.
The mum of five is now confirmed as a contestant on TV's re-booted show, Dancing With The Stars, which starts next month on Channel Ten.
But in the video, shot on a beach, she talks about how much she has been bullied since she started her blog and since the news broke of her appearance on the reality show.

“I have had every hateful comment written about me that you can imagine and I’ve spent the last three years pretending that it didn’t affect me,” she said.
Since news leaked of her competing in DWTS, Constance revealed the negative comments had increased and she read out some of the worst.
“I wanna read about her in The West Australian obituaries,” one troll wrote.
“You’ll be able to smell her through my TV.
“She looks like a walking venereal disease that needs to invest in a bra.
“She looks like she needs to be bathed in a flea bath.
“I’m surprised her husband hasn’t hung himself.
And, “Do yourself a favour and kill yourself you pig”, were among some of the offensive remarks posted.
She added that she had decided NOT to do the show and raise cash for her charity, Rafiki Mwema, who help kids who are abused and face homelessness in Kenya.

But Constance decided to go on the show - whatever the consequences - because she said she wanted other people, especially children to know they were not alone in standing up to online trolls and cyber bullies.
“I want the people who are being bullied to know that for an adult to stand here and say don’t listen to them, it doesn’t mean anything, you are better than that, I understand how you can’t take that on board, because it f**king hurts, it hurts me so much that I can’t sleep, some days I can’t eat because of the way I get spoken about constantly.”
She urged anyone who witnessed bullying online to call it out. Constance added that she would also be raising the issue while while she was on the show which will premiere next month.
“I might come last, I might be voted out first like everybody is saying that I will or I might f**king win the show, but what I am dancing for is every single one of you, every single young person who has to go to school every day or has to catch that train, or has to go to work where you’re bullied and treated unkindly and I’m dancing for you and I want you to know it’s not ok.”