GENIUS! How this mum used a PIZZA to get her little kids to memorise her phone number!

By Frances Sheen
April 29 2019
We all want our kids to remember our phone numbers and home addresses in case they get lost or need to contact you urgently.
But it's hard for toddlers and kids to remember such a huge amount of information clearly - or correctly!
Yes, you can try songs and mnemonic devices to help them memorise stuff but if those don't work, this one mum may have hit upon a genius idea to try!
According to a thread on Reddit, her kids aged 5 and 6 could never quite learn their mum and dad's number or their address, so she found the perfect way to get her kids motivated to learn them...

The mum wrote:
"One evening while my husband was gone I decided I didn't want to cook and that we'd order pizza. Cool. Then I got this genius idea. Why not make the kids order the pizza? They'd need their phone number and their address!!
GENIUS. I told them we were only ordering pizza if they could order it themselves. In under 15 minutes they knew their address and phone number. Motivation was pretty high."
And her revelation sparked more clever ways of getting your children to remember phone numbers by some very clever parents...
'I wanted my 6 year old to learn my phone number before we went to Disney in case she happened to separate from us. I changed the iPad password to my phone number. She learned it rather quickly!!,' said one.
'This is brilliant,' said another. 'Thanks for the tip!'
While another revealed, 'We turned our phone number and address into a jingle that the kids could sing. “The Address Song” and “The Phone Number Song.”'
The only downside came from a pizza restaurant owner who said that since this tip had gone viral he had been swamped with children phoning up his delivery line and asking for pizza to be delivered - and it took way too much time to understand what they were saying!
But overwhelmingly, the reaction to this idea has been positive - would you try it?
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