Your horoscope for 2019 - quick predictions!

What's in store for you?
By Louise Kenley
December 03 2018
Top astrologer Louise Kenley reveals what's in store for you in one bite-sized chunk! No need to read pages and pages - this is all you need to know.
This will be a year of ambition, set-backs but then triumph, although it might not feel like it at first! Aries are tenacious creatures who are fiercely independent but they harbour a soft side that they like to keep hidden. In 2019, these traits will be necessary as you take on new challenges, and then promptly want to give them up. But just have faith, it will all work out.
Famous for being stubborn, Taureans will never walk away from a situation they think they can win. But this year will be a time to reflect on what you’ve accomplished and a chance to plan for bigger adventures. You may get a chance to try something you never thought was an option, but think long and hard before you dive in.

Yes, you can be funny and kind but you can also come across as aloof and tough to read in some situations. Try to open yourself up more in 2018. Some people feel like they don’t really know you as you can be different with every single person you meet, but have some faith. Show your true colours and everyone will like you – promise.
This year Cancerians are set for change, but it won’t be easy to break the mould and jump on in. It could be a new job, new house, new relationship or a new baby – but it's definitely a year of new opportunities. But be warned, be open and flexible since your dreams might have to change as the year progresses. You have depths you never knew you had.

So you want to be loved and admired? You got it, this coming year. There’s a potential problem for you or someone you love in 2019 and you will help them survive and thrive with your common sense and wise words. Regal Leo lives up to its name in 2019.You have got this one!
Virgos may get a boost to their love life in 2019. Normally so analytical and patient, this is the year that you shake off your reticence and jump in. If you’re looking for love or feel like you’re in a bit of a rut at the moment then it’s time to shake things up. There’s a real shift in your focus and it will pay off.

Librans might be in for a surprise windfall this year. Even if you’re not expecting an inheritance or money from an outside source, this could be the year it happens! And this is just the motivation you need to use the money for something you’ve always wanted. Maybe it’s a holiday or a house? Or could it another baby you never thought you could afford.
Scorpions can expect a financial gain in 2019. A new job could well be on the horizon or a house-sale? You’re wise but be careful that this money-making opportunity isn't too good to be true. You don’t want to get greedy at this point in your life and throw away everything you are working towards.

Sagittarians may be forced to face a hard truth they don't want to hear in 2019. This could be a health crisis or an end to a relationship that is waaaay past its sell-by date. But do not worry, there is a new opportunity ready to present itself to you when the time is right, and as scary as it seems it may well be time to grab it with both hands!
Capricorns are their own worst critics who always think luck is never on their side. In 2019, it’s all about to change – there will be a new path way for you to follow that will take you to places you never, ever thought you would go down. It’s easy to be cynical but try to be as open as possible to change.