Family restaurant BANS devices and even colouring books for kids

A popular Sydney family restaurant has banned iPads and iPhones, and even says colouring books, board games and building blocks are a no-no for diners.
Attila Yilmaz of Pazar Food Collective, a Turkish-Mexican restaurant in Canterbury, says he wants families to be “involved with the food and experience” and for parents to engage with their kids, reports the SMH.
The restaurateur took to social media after getting annoyed because some children had drawn on napkins and a table at Pazar.

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“It's very upsetting to all of us, there was no, 'Oh sorry about that', the parents just laughed and said they're just kids,” he said.
“It's an expectation that we are there to clean up that mess, and we are to an extent, but there's also a thing called human decency and respect.
“We do want kids at the restaurant, and we do love your kids; just not as much as you do,” he added.

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Parents were quick to respond to the ban on social media, with many saying they were annoyed about Mr Yilmaz “parent shaming.”
“As a parent and primary school teacher – stop parent shaming please,” wrote one user.
“This is why I don’t go to Pazaar any more,” wrote another. “Not only does the owner make attacks on his customers, he’s now attacking their children, as though he’s some authority on child rearing.”
“What happens if have a child who is special needs and the iPad actually helps?” asked another parent. “Are these parents just expected to stay home?”
Mr Yilmaz has two children himself, and says his children do not use devices or colouring books when they are out for a meal.
“We never use IOS devices when we go out. [And] they don't want the colouring book, they would rather sit there and talk about the food.”
What do you think?

Nicola Conville has worked as a journalist and editor for more than 20 years across a wide range of print and online publications. Her areas of expertise are parenting, health and travel. She has two children; Lucy, age eight, and Nathan, age five.