WATCH: Dad makes daughter walk 8km to school after she's banned from bus for bullying

This has caused outrage
By Frances Sheen
December 10 2018
A dad has caused mass outrage after he made his daughter walk 8kms to school after she was banned from the school bus for bullying.
Kristen, a 10-year-old girl from Ohio, went home and told her father, Matt Cox, that he’d have to drive her to school because she wasn't allowed on the bus for three days after bullying other kids.
But the dad refused and told Kristen she would have to walk herself to school as punishment for her behaviour. in 3 degree cold weather. He followed behind in the car while videotaping her.
You can watch the video at the end of this story
The video, which he posted on Facebook, has caused outrage among other parents and opinion is definitely divided as to whether or not he bullied her by making her walk and then post the video to shame her.
Cox told News5Cleveland he was stunned to see his video had hit a nerve and gone viral.
He said: “I was in complete shock that so many people responded when I originally posted it.
“By the time I woke up the next day I had hundreds of messages in my inbox and saw there were quite a few views.”

Matt Cox/Inside Edition
'Her behaviour was unacceptable,' he said. 'This is just classic old-school parenting at its best'.
But many parents disagreed and say that to make her walk so far in such cold conditions is child cruelty, no matter what she had done on the bus.

Kirsten Cox/Inside Edition
Kirsten, herself, admits what she did on the bus was wrong but says that she has been bullied badly at school and o the bus and the punishment doesn't fit the crime.
Social media exploded with parents arguing as to who was right and who was wrong.
'Parents who bully should be ashamed of themselves,' said one. 'How is she going to learn what's right and wrong when her dad makes her feel so small?'
But others disagree, 'He's being a proper dad,' said another. 'None of this namby-pamby stuff. It should be applauded. Congratulations Matt Cox on being an outstanding parent.'
What do you think of this punishment?