Mum is slammed by bullies after she announces plan to livestream her birth on Instagram

She's been attacked for her decision
By Practical Parenting team
November 04 2018
A mum who wants to live stream her son’s birth on Instagram has been hit by a wave of criticism.
Jessica Hood, a mum of three, from Melbourne made the decision back in July to show the birth from of her fourth child on social media. She says she will show everything from the rush to the hospital to ‘discreet’ shots of the birth (you won't see her actually pushing the baby out} and then the moments following the delivery.
She then plans to follow the first few weeks of the baby boy's life on Instagram in a bid to normalise talking about anxiety and post-natal depression - conditions she has struggled with.
“Hopefully it will give other people an insight. Giving birth is not as scary as you’d think. It’s a fact of life,” explained the mum-of-three.'I decided back in the July I was going create an Instagram for a number of reasons,' added to FEMAIL.
"During this time of my life I was going through a tough time with my anxiety and was in a pretty low place. So I decided to film my labour on Instagram to bring awareness to the illness. I also wanted to give an educational experience to first time mums to show them exactly what happens during childbirth."
But after announcing her plans last week, she says she’s been smashed by people slamming her decision to make her birth so public.
Taking to Instagram Jessica said, I’ve learnt so much on my journey so far. Let’s face it i haven’t even had my baby yet and I’ve had to face bullying , trolls and even weirdos and you know what? I’m thankful for all of what I’ve had to face and come across so far , you know why? Because I’m a stronger , more confident women that I’ve ever been. I take it on the chin , laugh it off and accept that half the population are complete dooshbags and the people that really matter are the ones I’m surrounded by 🖤always stand for what you believe in , never let anyone dictate you and accept any Criticism you receive . Believe me it will make you a stronger person.’
While all negative posts have been removed from her Instagram page, the mum who says she will go ahead with the filming on Christmas Day where she hopes to give birth naturally with just gas and air as pain relief.
“I can’t wait – it’s life-changing. You’re going to meet your new baby for the first time. Many people don’t know what to expect and I hope this will help,” she said.
As for her partner Karl and her other children, Lily, 5, Logan, 4, and Eden, the mum said they are all thrilled to meet the new baby.
Although Karl is “a very private person,” Jessica said he is supportive of her decision to live stream the birth.
“He wants to be there for me,” she said.
And if Jessica had a message for the haters who have criticised her decision to film the birth? She says that she is very aware of how intrusive it might be, but she is doing this for all the right reasons.
'I also want them to know that I would stop filming if there were complications... my baby and myself are my first priority. I hope they can learn a lot from my live stream though and I hope they take comfort in watching it and feel confident in there own upcoming births.'
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