Coronavirus supermarket hit list: The exact stores where you can still buy pasta, rice and toilet paper

News just in.
Supermarket shelves across the nation have been stripped bare as shoppers stock up on rice, pasta, tinned goods and many more everyday items amid coronavirus panic buying.
Strict shopping limits are in place but that doesn’t mean that you can even find what you need on the shelf in the first place. Consumers have shared images and shocking video online of the absolute panic buying that has engulfed Australia and across the globe.
While many supermarkets are completely out of stock, there are stores that still have items from your shopping list.

Rice has sold out in many supermarkets.
For pasta, rice, canned goods, eggs etc, head to your local fruit and vegetables store. Their stock is often from different suppliers and importers. Make sure you check the shelves below and above fruit and vegetables.
With mince now being in short supply at the supermarket, head to your local butcher, they have tonnes of meat, and they can make more every time they run out. It is also a great way to support your local butcher.
Smaller, independently owned stores still have stock also.

Pasta has been restricted to 2 packets per person.
Think outside of the box when it comes to shopping for your family.
Keen shopper Keayleah shared her tips and tricks to stay ahead of the pack when shopping for your family.
“Go to the Reject Shop, they always have extra tissues, baby wipes and even loo roll, the crowds have been smaller there and I’ve even been able to get soft drinks, pasta sauce, tea and coffee”, she posted on a closed shopping page.

Mince has also been placed on the restricted sale list.
Current items on supermarket restriction list:
Maximum two items per customer:
* Mince
* Pasta
* Flour
* Rice (dry)
* Paper towels
* Paper tissues
* Hand sanitisers
Watch: CCTV footage influx of shoppers rush for toilet paper right after store opens

Michelle Connolly has worked as a photo director, social media manager and photo editor at some of Australia's biggest media companies, including New Idea. She is now editor of Practical Parenting and loving mum-of-two.