Check your kitchen! Your old CorningWare dishes could be worth THOUSANDS!

The retro cookware is being sold for BIG money!
By Frances Sheen
March 12 2019
Do you remember the popular cookware, CorningWare? Is there still some sitting your kitchen cupboard?
The iconic cookware, popular in the 70s and 80s, was often white with retro floral patterns, and was usually found in most Australian kitchens
Well, your CorningWare could be worth thousands, according to New Idea Food.

Collectors are making a bomb from selling their old CorningWare items, particularly if they have very rare patterns.
‘One piece of CorningWare, in a pattern not widely produced, sold on eBay recently for $7,000,’ says glass expert Dean Six. ‘It was a 1970s product that fizzled.
‘Collecting is often what you remember, which is why this is big now because baby boomers are buying back what they grew up with. Boomers are decorating with these pieces in their homes.’

Keep your eyes peeled for the very rare floral patterns - these are the items that are getting the big bucks from hardcore collectors.
Dean Six advises that full collections with no cracks or chips or discolouration are more valuable, but if you think you might be on a winner, speak to an expert or check out some online auction sites.

The most common of CorningWare is the Cornflower range, featuring soft blue flowers - and sadly there're not worth much but the less common Wildflower, from 1977 to 1984, and the even rarer Floral Bouquet, made from 1971 to 1975 are both big money-spinners!
CorningWare was an iconic brand in the 1970s and for a time a typical wedding gift – but its popularity waned with the rise of Tupperware and other brands.