They were labelled the 'world's most beautiful twins' as babies - 8 years on, look at them now!

By Frances Sheen
April 23 2019
Remember these twins?
Ava Marie and Leah Rose Clements were born in June 2010, and after their mum put their photos on social media, they were inundated with offers from around the world.
Their mum, Jaci Clements, even set up her own modelling agency to deal with the level of interest.

Today, the Clements twins are eight, and have indeed just been named “the world’s most beautiful twins”, with hundreds of brands now seeking them out as models. The pair now have their own Instagram account with more than one million followers.
Here's what the girls look like now...
Mum Jaci says the girls love to model and fit it in between dancing and school and love to perform for each other and in front of the cameras.
But even though the girls are loving their life as models and all the attention they get, mum Jaci, from California, says that she does get a lot of negative comments thrown at the girls which she struggles with.
She says, 'A lot of people say they look sad and that I am not letting them be kids. Making that comment about my girls implies that you know them, our family, their hobbies and friends and what makes them happy in life. Did you ever stop to think that maybe modeling actually makes them happy!? If not, let me be the first one to tell you... it DOES!'
She also admits that the world of modelling has been hard for them to navigate with a lot of unscrupulous agents trying to make cash out of the girls.
"This by far has been one of the most stressful, upsetting, mind boggling, and biggest lessons I’ve learned in this industry so far," she wrote on her blog. "So make sure you don’t make the same mistake as me! Do your research! If something seems a little off with someone you think you should trust, go with your gut instinct."
But none of this has put the mum of three off - the girls older brother Chase now models and the family often work on shoots together. And well, you can see why...