Meet the seven-year-old amputee model who's taking over the fashion world

This little girl never thought she'd cause the stir she has...
By Practical Parenting team
July 31 2018
Meet seven-year-old Daisy-May Demetre who is taking over the modelling world - after finding instant success on a London catwalk.
The little girl, who was asked to model for UK fashion giant River Island, loves her new found fame and fortune and is fighting off offers of more work.
Daisy was just 18-months-old when both her legs were amputated after she was born with a condition called fibular hemimelia. Neither of her feet had developed properly and she was unable to balance properly.
She was fitted with two prosthetic limbs and soon began moving around.
Her dad, Alex, created an instagram page and she soon caught the eye of model talent scouts. And her dream doesn't stop there. Now she's a model the ambitious little lady wants to become a gymnast and regularly attends classes in her bid to represent her country at international level!