Woman lists 22 things her boyfriend cannot do

The bizarre contract was found in a traded-in car
By Practical Parenting team
October 07 2018
While many couples have unspoken rules in their relationships, one woman took things a few steps further by issuing her boyfriend with a long typed list of things he was not allowed to do.
The list was discovered when the man traded in his car, and was subsequently posted on Twitter.

The demands include not drinking unless she is present, not looking at single girls, not to hang out with his friends more than twice a week, and never to take longer than 10 minutes to text her back.
Social media users were quick to comment, with one saying ‘This isn't cute or sweet or just for anyone's own good, this is controlling.’
‘Wow..... he should run from that girl,’ added another.
‘A lot of domestic violence situations start with a list like this,’ said a third.
What do you think?!