Woman gives birth to 6.4kg baby and he breaks hospital records!

By Practical Parenting team
January 03 2019
A US couple who once thought they could never have kids, got more than they expected with the birth of their new baby boy.
When Jennifer and Eric Medlock welcomed little Ali at Arlington Memorial Hospital, he broke the hospital's record, weighing in at 14 lbs, 13 oz (6.4kg), reports Cafe Mom.
Ali was born via caesarean section, and Mum Jennifer says she heard an ‘Oh my!’ from behind the curtain.
Jennifer’s first child, Annabelle, was large at birth too at 9 lb, 4.12 (4kg), so she had a hunch her second would be a big baby – but not that big. “I was like ‘Omg! Really?!’ - I don’t think it even registered,” Jennifer said.

Ali is around double the size of the average newborn, according to the University of Michigan. He had to spend his first week in the NICU but is now home and doing well.
Jennifer has severe polycystic ovarian syndrome and doctors originally said she most likely wouldn't be able to conceive.
“Our last treatment they said that my follicle would turn into a cyst,” Jennifer said. “They’re wrong, it turned into [Annabelle].”
Just before starting fertility treatment again they found out they were expecting Ali. “I love proving people wrong,” she said.