Australia's weirdest celebrity dad crushes, 2018!

You won't believe who's made the list!
By Frances Sheen
August 29 2018
We asked you to tell us which famous father you thought was hot! The only catch was that it had to be your little secret – your weird crush!
How do we define 'weird crush’? Basically, it’s the crush you feel weird talking about!
You lust after these dads, but you haven’t told anyone because someone (not us) might judge you.
And boy did you respond!
Followers of Practical Parenting and The Flawsome Mum inundated us with the dads they oh-so-secretly love and in no particular order here they are.
Dave Hughes, 47
From country boy to comedian with serious cash (remember he bought THAT $3million house from The Block on a whim). What Hughesy lacks in sophistication and delicate conversation, he makes up for in making us laugh. And from listening to his radio show with Kate Langbroek, Hughesy and Kate, you can tell he's a real dad - often getting grief from his wife and three young kids. Oh and he's also got man boobs that's desperately trying to lose. Hughesy is a real Aussie bloke.
You said:
‘He’s got this lost, slightly un-hinged quality that I love!'
‘He's so real. It's like having a funnier, richer, nicer version of my husband on the radio!'

Hughesy scrubs up OK! Getty

Hughesy at The Logies!
Shane Jacobson, 48
OK, so he's not your classic six-pack muscle man, but Shane gained a loyal following when he performed on Channel Seven’s The Full Monty, stripped naked and won a lot of fans! He’s down to earth, has that cheeky smile and yes, he could probably fix your toilet after his stint in Kenny.
You said:
‘He has this glint in his eye which means he’d work to impress you!'
‘He’s so good with the kids on Little Big Shots that it melts your heart. Like a big teddy bear with an infectious laugh.'

Shane Jacobson
Larry Emdur, 53
Come on down Larry, The Price Is Right! The Morning Show presenter Laz got himself in tip-top tape for his 50th birthday and appeared in Men's Health magazine! But he also comes across as loyal, funny, cheeky and sympathetic on the show! He’s proud of his kids, Jye and Tia, devoted to hi wife and loves hanging by the ocean. Sold!
You said:
‘He’s just so kind to Kylie Gillies and all the guests. And you never see him in a bad mood. Ever. Worth turning the TV on for!

Larry Emdur/ Getty
Sam Pang, 44
That cheeky grin caused a lot of chatter among the voters, but did you know he played AFL for Collingwood under 19s and is a dad of one! We're so used to seeing Sam on Have You Been Paying Attention, that no-one seemed to know a lot about this man of mystery except he was funny! Oh and he has a a dog called Paw Paw and possibly a falcon called Hank. No-one's quite sure...
You said:
'He's the only reason I watch Have You Been Paying Attention. He has me in stitches every time. I'm not sure who tall he is, but that wouldn't matter if you were that funny!'

Sam Pang. Credit: Channel Ten
Peter Andre, 45
OK, so this one is a bit left-field but bear with us. He’s a devoted husband and dad to four kids and he has a six-pack and belts out a good tune when he wants to! Oh, and his hair is much better these days... Married twice and currently to a doctor who is 16 years his junior, he’s clearly still got something.
You said:
‘He always strikes me as a really nice guy despite the hair gel'.
'All he needs to do is sing Mysterious Girl and I am sold!'

Peter Andre in 2018

Peter Andre in 1995
Prince William, 36
He used to appear on a lot of Most Sexiest… lists but since he settled down, had kids and wore very sensible suits he has gone off the crush radar. But no more! Prince William’s devotion to Princess Kate and the way he often admits fatherhood is hard and exhausting has won him some fans! As have these sunglasses!
You said:
‘Bald men are my thing! And he's rich and I wouldn't ever have to work again!'

Prince William does shades
Simon Cowell, 58
Father-of-one and multi-millionaire Simon Cowell had plenty of votes and people commenting on his sense of style – those jeans and slashed-to-the-chest shirts are clearly a big hit! A dad to little Eric, who's named after his own father, Simon is famous for his scathing put-downs on reality shows like America’s Got Talent and his cheeky sense of fun. He’s also the man responsible for finding One Direction…oh, and he's a millionaire. Did we mention that?
You said:
‘It’s just the way he’s so honest. And he oozes power. I think he would take control in any situation and I love that.’

Simon Cowell
David Taylor, 30
Dave may have copped some flak recently for his weight-gain, but he’s one popular choice with you. The dad of two is an Aussie rugby league footballer who has played all over the country and has clearly gained a few fans!
You said:
'Sure he's a little heavier than he was but that makes him even hotter in my eyes. More man to love!'

David Taylor