Dad banned from shopping centre parents room

He was trying to change his daughter’s nappy but was asked to leave
By Practical Parenting team
August 13 2018
A furious mum has lashed out at a shopping centre for refusing to allow her husband to enter their Parents Room when he was with his baby daughter.
Sarah Fa'avale, from New Zealand, shared a rant on Facebook about discriminating against fathers in baby changing rooms.
Her partner Tua had only been trying to help by taking their daughter, Tahani, to the bathroom - but he was asked to leave.

Sarah with the family. Credit: Facebook
'I am outraged!!! This afternoon Tua and I were at Queensgate. While I was ordering a new car seat for Tahani, Tua took her to the parents' room to change her nappy,' she said.
'When he went to enter however a lady started yelling at him saying: "Um excuse me!!! You can't go in there, there are mums in there!'
'Tua then had to leave to come and find me to change Hani’s nappy as all this time she was sitting in her poos!
'I am fuming!!!! I just can’t believe some people!!! We are in 2018!!! I am absolutely gobsmacked that in this day and age a new father can't change his own daughter's nappy in a PARENTS room!????
'I have never been so mad in my life!!!!!!!!'
Sarah made a formal complain to the shopping centre after contacting them on Facebook, and they issued an immediate apology.
'They got back to me very quickly which was great and were very apologetic. They have talked to staff this morning and encourage people to talk to management if this kind of thing happens to them.’
Has this ever happened to you? Do you feel uncomfortable if there are dads in the parents room?