'SHE'S AN ANGEL' Touching photo shows stranger cuddling struggling mum’s son during flight

'Happy Christmas'
By Frances Sheen
December 10 2018
A woman who cuddled and calmed a stranger's son on a stressful plane journey has been labelled an "angel" for helping so selflessly.
Mum Becca Kinsey, from Dallas, Texas, was "on the verge of tears" when she boarded the plane with her sons James, two, and Wyatt, five.

The family were travelling without Becca's husband Blake and the journey was tough because "Wyatt was screaming and James was exhausted".
Posting on Facebook, Becca reveals she met three women during the flight who all helped her far more than they will ever know. It started with one mum letting them skip the queue at security.
She wrote, "Out of the blue, one mom stops the line for security and says 'here, jump in front of me! I know how it is!'
"Wyatt fell asleep and I was trying to carry everyone’s carry-on when another mom jumps out of her place in line and says 'hand me everything, I’ve got it'.

But the most moving act of kindness came 45 minutes into the flight, when Becca felt she was at breaking point with her two young sons.
Sharing a photo of the mystery woman who swooped in to help her, Sarah explained: "To top it all off, Wyatt starts to scream at take off before he finally falls back to sleep.
"After about 45 min, this angel comes to the back and says 'you look like you need a break' and holds Wyatt for the rest of the flight AND walks him all the way to baggage claim, hands him to blake, hugs me and says 'merry Christmas!!'"
Awwww. Who doesn't love a feel-good Christmas story?!