‘I shouldn’t have to listen to this. Kill the baby!’

Angry airplane passenger goes on rampage
By Practical Parenting team
August 03 2018
Travelling on planes with young children can be a challenging experience at the best of times, especially if your little one gets upset.
But one family experienced a particularly terrifying reaction from a fellow passenger when their baby began to cry on a flight.
In answer to the question on US forum Quora ‘What is the most obnoxious thing you have seen on an airline?’ one contributor had this to say…
“My wife and I took an overnight flight from Canada to England. As seems inevitable on such flights, there was a crying baby,” wrote Owen Toop.
“At about the time we were over Iceland, a woman sitting close to the infant began to scream: ‘Kill the baby. Kill the baby.’ If there was any noise left in the cabin, it was sucked out at that point.”
The mother of the baby clutched her baby, clearly terrified, as the passenger continued “I paid extra for a bulkhead seat. I shouldn’t have to listen to this! Kill the baby!”
“The stewardess… gave the complainer the lecture of her life,” he continued. “I was afraid we were going to spend the night in Reykjavik.”

Stock image: Suhyeon Choi
To the man’s surprise, when he disembarked and took a look at the woman who had been complaining, he saw that she was “an elderly hippy type, probably in her late sixties or early seventies.”
Crying babies and unruly children also topped the list of worst plane experiences for most posters, but many said the problem lay with the parents, not their offspring.
“You can’t guarantee how kids behave on a long flight, and I get their frustration and that of their parents, but they usually do their best,” wrote one contributor.
“Are we really blaming babies for doing what babies do naturally?” added another.
What do you think?