Daycare worker ARRESTED after toddler comes home from her care dangerously DRUNK

This is just horrifying
By Practical Parenting team
January 21 2019
A home daycare owner is facing charges after a little boy came home from being in her care - and doctors discovered he was DRUNK.
According to police tests, the little boy who hasn't been named, had a blood alcohol level that was nearly three times over the legal driving limit for an adult.
The daycare owner, Doris Ott, from Maryland in the US, had her daycare licence suspended. She had run a home daycare service from her home for 18 years.

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According to documents the toddler fell out of his chair while he was eating, and was “pale and limp" and the daycare owner called the boy’s mother, who rushed him to hospital where he was found to have a blood alcohol level of .203 - three times the legal driving limit of an adult.
His mother told investigators her son was barely responsive and smelled of alcohol. She also said she had remembered him coming home the week before smelling of alcohol but she thought it was hand sanitiser.
Ott, 50, told investigators that there was no alcohol that was accessible to children at her daycare, and she hadn't been drinking.
There were several cans of spiked seltzer in the basement refrigerator, but Ott said it would be impossible for the boy to find and drink that, especially without her knowledge.
She's been charged with neglect of a minor and reckless endangerment and will face trial in February.
Her lawyer released a statement saying she would fight the charges.
It reads, 'Mrs. Ott ran a successful daycare facility in the Walkersville community for 18 years. She provided a safe environment in her own home, caring deeply for every child entrusted to her care. She has a whole community that stands with her. Mrs. Ott is completely innocent and has been cooperative from the start. Charging Mrs. Ott was wrong. We look forward to attacking this in court.'
The little boy's parents also released a statement saying, 'We are pleased the state is seeking justice for us and our son. We are also hopeful for the the truth and just judgment.'
They revealed the little boy has made a full recovery.