The life-saving words every parent should know

Know your rights.
By Peter Malik
February 17 2017
For any parent, a sick child is their worst nightmare. What’s worse is feeling powerless that you can’t help them.
This was the case for Queensland mum, Lili Curtis, whose daughter Arabella was turned away eight times in two weeks, 7 News Brisbane reports.
After a friend reminded her of Ryan’s Rule, her daughter was given an independent second opinion and prescribed antibiotics for bronchiolitis.
Ryan’s Rule was introduced in Queensland after the tragic death of a toddler who died from toxic shock after his parents were told to take him home and give him panadol.
According to the news site, 654 calls were made last year to invoke Ryan’s Rule. While the diagnosis was correct in 75 per cent of the cases, in 163 cases – the family’s instinct was right.
How to invoke Ryan’s Rule

Queensland Health
New South Wales has its own version of Ryan’s rule, called REACH.
Recognise when something isn’t right
Engage with treating doctors about concerns
Act if still not satisfied, as for a ‘clinical review’.
Call – they can then ‘call’ a specialist to review the case.
Help is on its way
Regardless of what state you are in, anyone seeking care and a second opinion has rights, which are described in the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights.