Text convo between two women over buying a car goes VIRAL as owner does something very unexpected!

A text conversation between a woman selling a car and another woman who needed a car went viral on Reddit – for all the right reasons.
A woman advertised a car for sale for $1200 and was approached by another woman who was really keen on the car, but couldn’t afford to pay her until her tax refund came through.

The seller replies saying she’s already promised that she wouldn’t hold the car, then the buyer tries to explain her situation, saying that she has been using her mother’s car to ferry herself and her mum to work, and her children to preschool.
“No prob,” the seller replies. “I actually just want the car to go to someone who needs it. If you need it, you can have it.”

It seemed as though she was saying she’d hold the car, but she clarified that what she was actually saying was that the woman could have the car for free.
The buyer can’t believe it, and insists on paying, however the seller says she’s happy to give it away. “You seem to genuinely need it. It’s yours. No money needed,” she insists.

“I’m crying… are you kidding? Why would you do that,” the bewildered buyer responds.
“You have no idea how this will bless me and my kids.”

The car owner then goes one step further, even offering to help her to pay for registering the car if necessary.
What a lovely thing to do! Perhaps there’s hope for humanity after all.

Nicola Conville has worked as a journalist and editor for more than 20 years across a wide range of print and online publications. Her areas of expertise are parenting, health and travel. She has two children; Lucy, age eight, and Nathan, age five.