QV Baby Bath Oil Review: Expert, Mum and Baby's Verdict

Franki Hobson has been a Parenting Editor for more than a decade, so how does she rate QV Baby Bath Oil?
Franki Hobson has been a Parenting Editor for more than a decade, so how does she rate QV Baby Bath Oil? Here's what QV Baby Bath Oil does, the benefits and Franki's verdict after using it on her two sons.
The product
The marketing spiel says: 'QV Baby Bath Oil is formulated specifically with baby’s delicate and often sensitive skin in mind. The formulation hydrates and restores suppleness to baby’s skin while pampering in the tub.'
My spiel: This helps both my children because a) I know it's not good to bath babies too often because it dries their sensitive skin out, but let's face it, during those first foods sessions (times 3 x a day, i might add), the mess is just MESSY! It's like a food fight! And, it's faster to dunk the baby in the bath (multiple times a day - eek) than to wipe them down 50+ times with a face washer! And b) its great to keep my 9 year-old's son supple - and eczema at bay.

The benefits
For me, the big sell was that it's Paediatrician recommended – in fact it was recommended to me nine years ago by my Paediatrician and is still recommended by Paed's today! PLUS:
* It has a clear, non-greasy formula that helps rejuvenate large areas of dry or sensitive skin. Great when the kids develop those blocked skin pores that turn into lumps and bumps, as well as dry skin patches.
* Suitable for use every day and with conditions such as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis. Thank goodness.
* Low-irritant formulation, free from fragrance, colour, lanolin and propylene glycol. Because hey, what's wrong with baby's natural 'eat-me' smell?
* Suitable for even sensitive skin types. Hallelujah for that.

Franki's little baby, Louis.
The verdict
Maxwell had mild eczema as a baby and I had no idea how to treat it. I followed all the doctors’ advice – tepid baths, avoid fragrances, unnecessary additives and irritants, apply moisturiser religiously … but those flare-ups continued to flare up! Then we switched to the QV Baby Bath Oil and have used them ever since. No more flare-ups! At bath time, I pop half a cap of oil into the boys’ bath water and swish. The oil is great – it moisturises the skin as well as preventing moisture loss. We also use the QV Wash in the shower because it’s easier to clean those pinkies, pits and piggies! Then I apply QV Cream daily to keep the eczema-sensitive areas well moisturised – for us it’s the inner elbows and backs of the knees. Maxwell has been free from eczema flare-ups for over eight years now and so far Louis has not shown any signs of eczema but I use the products on him because I know they are free from unnecessary additives and I trust the brand.

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Of course you do! Click on QV Baby care products for the whole shabang collection of baby products.
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Franki Hobson is a women’s lifestyle journalist and editor with more than twenty years’ experience. Her areas of expertise include parenting and health and well-being. Franki has two gorgeous boys, Maxwell, 10, and Louis, 1 ½.