Personal Trainer Says He’s Forced To Park In Parent-And-Child Bays As He’s Too Big

"I don’t give a crap what people think of me. I’ll do what I want."
Personal trainer Chris Goodwin has confessed that he always parks in parent-and-child parking bays, even when he does not have the children with him.
The 20-stone muscle man says he is far too big to fit in regular car parking bays, his body simply will not fit out the door.
Watch: Personal trainer parks in parents parking space as he is too big
"I’ll just go and park in the same parent-and-child [bay], even if I’m on my own – I always do it.
"I don’t give a crap what people think of me. I’ll do what I want. I can’t fit out of my car – I’m too big. I don’t think it is selfish, I really don’t", says Chris.
Chris who is nicked named The Greek Stallion, argues it isn't selfish and was his "only option".

Chris aka The Greek Stallion. Image: Facebook.
Chris took part in a UK documentary Britain’s Parking Hell 2020, which details all the little daily battles faced by British drivers trying to park their vehicles.
"People take it way over the top because you’re parking in a bloody parent-and-child bay. I still think anybody should be able to park there and that’s not being selfish.
"When people are taking up lines in parking bays or using two spaces that’s annoying but if someone needs to use the parent-and-child bay they should be able to do it without any judgement", he adds.
Since the show aired social media has been a buzz with outraged parents and carers.
"I watched this the other night. Even his partner was having a go at him for parking in parent and child spot. She pointed out because of people like him sometimes she has to park elsewhere and then struggles to get kids out of the car.. he didnt care", said one.
"I was with my child and that pr*ck took the space He’d get head butted clean out", said another.

Michelle Connolly has worked as a photo director, social media manager and photo editor at some of Australia's biggest media companies, including New Idea. She is now editor of Practical Parenting and loving mum-of-two.