Parents hire tutors to coach kids in Fortnite!

Yes, this is a new thing now!
By Practical Parenting
August 31 2018
Has the world gone Fortnite crazy?
Apparently so! Parents are now hiring tutors so their kids can get the top scores in computer game, Fortnite.
The Wall Street Journal reports a growing trend of parents hiring gaming coaches to perfect their kids' skills at Fortnite, an online game that is popular with 125 million players worldwide.
If you're not up on Fortnite, it's a combination of games like Minecraft and Call of Duty. Most children are playing a game called Battle Royale because it's free where you build things and er...shoot things! In every game, about a hundred players are dropped onto a map and they fight and then there's a winner or a winning team.
According to the report, parents whose kids aren't winning as often as they'd like are getting upset so tutors are being hired to coach them so they can get better results.
Wall Street Journal reporter Sarah Needleman says, 'In some cases, parents said that the kids were complaining that they weren't getting any wins. And they felt left out on the playground because all their friends were boasting, and they weren't able to do the same.'
But it's not all for bragging rights! There are many big-cash competitions for Fortnite and the company that makes the computer game said that over the next year they are giving out more than a hundred million dollars in prize money.

Tutors can expect to make about $25 an hour coaching the kids in how to improve their game in a bid to increase their skill at the game.