Parents were advised to abort these conjoined twins 16 years ago - BUT LOOK AT THEM NOW!

By Frances Sheen
January 03 2019
The parents of these twins, who were born conjoined, were advised to abort them when doctors revealed they didn't think they would survive birth.
But 16 years later, the twin girls called Zainab and Jannat, are brilliant students who look set to win places at world-class universities.
Zainab and Jannat Rahman were born as one, conjoined from chest to abdomen and sharing one liver.
At just six weeks old, doctors gave them only a million to one chance of survival during a risky operation to separate them.
But it was a perfect success.

Luther Rahman
And just look at them now.

Luther Rahman
The girls dad, Luther, says the girls who are very close have been told to aim high in life.
‘They are a miracle. And I tell them that they are here for a greater need in this world. To achieve good things and to treat people with respect and kindness.’
Currently, Zainab hopes to go to Cambridge University in the UK and become a paediatrician while Jannat, who is studying three languages, plans to go to Oxford University and become a lawyer.
The girls, who rarely talk about being conjoined, have only ever spent one night apart from each other but plan to start spending more time apart in preparation for university.
Their dad says, ‘They said it was one in a million chance of survival for both of them. If they did survive, there was a chance that one of the children could lose a limb or end up with an illness. Luckily the organ they shared was the only one that regenerates, the liver.
‘They were more worried for Jannat. They said it was a slim chance of her surviving as Zainab had been keeping her alive in the womb. Jannat had a hole in her heart.’
Once separated, Jannat went into intensive care for more surgery. During this time Zainab, became restless, refusing food and clearly feeling unsettled.
‘Zainab was looking for her,' Luther told the Daily Mail. 'She kept reaching out for her sister. We didn’t click what the problem was at first. But then one of the nurses had an idea and fetched a mirror. She put it in her cot and suddenly Zainab started looking at her reflection and smiling. She was content again.
‘Eventually we were able to walk home with both our children.’