New lifeline for Aussie dads struggling with their mental health is announced...

This is growing by the day...
By Frances Sheen
June 13 2019
In an age when we’re more connected than ever through our digital lifestyles, loneliness and the lack of a sense of belonging is affecting more men than ever with thousands of men reaching crisis point every single day.
New dads, especially can be at risk of Post Natal Depression and anxiety when they have new babies at home.
While the stats continue to stack up, many men still feel there is a stigma around talking about feelings and seeking support from both professionals and their peers.
But one organisation is working to change that by providing men with a close community of men they trust and respect to share openly about their lives, their challenges, their highs and lows.

The Men’s Table is made up of groups of men that meet for a meal each month, seeking a sense of belonging, community, peer support and camaraderie that’s lacking for many men, even those with a strong group of mates.
Co-founder Ben Hughes says, “A lot of effort and money is put in at the crisis end of Men’s Mental Health, which is great. But we felt that there was a lot of work that could be done at the preventative end. The Men's Table puts peers before professionals, helping and supporting men before things get too tough.”
The Men’s Table had humble beginnings when 12 men got together for a chat and some dinner in 2011. Instantly benefiting from the judgement-free support and the informal way in which they could air life’s woes, they knew they were on to something special.
The idea has grown and grown, and tables are now starting across Australia and Asia Pacific, which gives more and more men the chance to seek support and enjoy each other’s company without feeling any pressure to change.
It takes just two people willing to meet monthly to start a Men’s Table and each group is capped at 12 members to keep things on a personal level.
The organisation is passionate about spreading their good work with an aim to establish 10 more tables that can support 100 more men across the country. They’re looking for support to raise enough money to incorporate as a Not For Profit with Charity status. You can donate here.
If you know anyone that might benefit as a part of this community, you can join their Facebook group or get in touch to join an existing table or establish your own.
Post-natal Depression in dads - the warning signs