Mum's horror: Toddler comes home from daycare COVERED in bite marks

This is appalling
By Frances Sheen
May 01 2019
A horrified mum has shared shocking photos of her toddler covered in bite marks after starting a new daycare centre.
Alice Martin said she undressed her 15-month-old daughter, Rosalyn, to give her a bath, but couldn't believe her eyes when she discovered the little girl was covered in red human bite-shaped marks.
"At first, I was like, ‘Are those really bite marks?’ and then, my brain kinda stopped thinking, and I started crying," Mrs Martin told CBS.

The distraught mother reported the incident to Tucson police in Arizona, US who said the bites appeared to be from another child.
But authorities reportedly claimed to the mum that it would be hard to proceed with charging the daycare centre as young children can make difficult witnesses.
The mother has shared her story on Facebook in a bid to warn others of the ordeal'
“Within 5 days of starting her new daycare my daughter was bit 25+ times,” Ms Martin said.
“I filed a police report for negligence and notified the Department of Health who handles daycare accreditation, the case has is still under investigation, but it’s been two months with no word.
“They did not even call when it occurred, or notify me when I picked her up after work. All of these bites happened in one day. Please share!”
“Do I know what happened? No, but I know that a child getting bitten that many times would be crying and very upset."

CBS is reporting that the Creative Beginnings Daycare in Arizona has had at least 10 citations in the past with the Arizona Department of Health Services.
The daycare refused to speak with the media but have allegedly denied any wrong doing.
The Arizona Department of Health Services said it was investigating the incident at the daycare and was working with law enforcement.
“The investigation is not completed and ADHS cannot comment on pending investigations,” a statement said.