Mum sparks outrage after asking kids to pay $30 to attend party

And they still need to bring a present too!
By Practical Parenting team
October 10 2018
One mum has come up with a controversial way to pay for her child’s birthday party – by asking other parents to foot the bill!
In a post on UK forum Netmums, a woman explained her daughter had been invited to a party, and after accepting, was asked to pay £25 (AUD $33) to contribute to the cost.
“My 10-year-old daughter has been invited out for a friend's birthday, there's about 10 of them going and we've only been given two days notice,” she wrote.
“The mum messaged me and asked if she could go, to which I said yes, she then replied with a price it would cost. Altogether I'm going to be expected to pay around £25... Should I still bring a gift?"
The woman said what annoyed her most was being asked at the last minute, and that the request for money came after she had accepted the invite.
Most mums replied saying they thought the request was out of line.
“If I was inviting other kids to go out with my son for his birthday, then I would fully expect to foot the bill!” one said.
“I’d expect something for the similar price in the goodybag for attending,” wrote another.
One mum was even more blunt, saying: “Never in my life have I heard of having to pay to attend a party. Tell her where to stick her invite. If she's skint then she should have had a party at home on budget.”
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