Dad gives 5-year-old a gold Rolex for his birthday - worth $33k!

No-one can quite believe it!
By Frances Sheen
May 20 2019
A devoted dad has spent more than $30k on his five-year-old son's birthday by giving him a gold Rolex watch!
But the pressie has been slammed by other parents who have labelled it 'un-necessary' and a 'terrible present for a boy who probably just wants a plastic dinosaur'!
In celebration of his son Baby Future's birthday, rapper Future went all out by throwing a “Future 5” birthday party, inspired by DC Comics’ “The Flash.”
He rented out an indoor race track with go-karts for Future and his friends, but then gave him the extravagant gift.
But far from impressing fans, the rapper's gift was deemed to be too over the top and a total waste of time for a 5-year-old!
'He doesn't seem very excited,' said one follower on Twitter. 'He probably just wanted Lego Star Wars!'
'What happens when he loses it?' said another.
'He'll go to school and swap it for a packet of chips at recess,' said another.
The gold Rolex normally retails for around $33,000 in Australia, but it's likely this would have to be specially made to fit on Baby Future's wrist - or they risk it falling off as he runs around.
'Now we've really seen it all,' said one commenter. 'he has no idea what this means!'
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