Mum SLAMS 'frumpy mums' who don't make an effort and the responses are CRAZY!

Light fuse, stand back and...BOOM!
By Frances Sheen
December 10 2018
A mum started a tsunami of criticism when she ordered other mums to make more of an effort when they were dropping their kids off at day care or school - even if they don't get out of the car!
The mum (who hasn't been named here) demanded other mum 'take some pride' in their appearance and ditch the 'rat nest hair'. She even questioned what their husbands would be thinking of their appearance.
She started her rant by saying, 'Sorry if this hits close to home' but then really went for for the throat saying, 'Ladies, even if you aren't getting out of the car at drop off can you please try a little. I look around as I am walking my daughter up to the front door and all we see is rat nest hair, no make up, eye bags out to wherever and I'm not 100 per cent but I think I smell morning breath coming from these cars.'
The post on the Sanctimommy Facebook group clearly got the reaction the mum was looking for because there were more than 1000 comments of people going nuts and er... people going nuts at her.
Here's just a few that made us laugh...

Some followers of the group even questioned if the post was real as it didn't sound like something any seven-year-old would say to their mother...

Either way, if you have five minutes and need to be outraged and then entertained by other people's outraged responses, read this thread from top to bottom!