Mum responds to shamers who called her breastfeeding pictures 'gross'

'Today another attempt to shame me on my social media was tried...'
By Livia Gamble
February 23 2017
In one post, a mum has put breastfeeding shamers back in their place.
Aussie mum Nadine Muller says he has enjoyed every minute of the breastfeeding journey she has been on with her son Madden, but the experience hasn’t come without its challenges: “Trolls”.
Sharing a slideshow of breastfeeding pictures on Instagram, the mum opened up about some of the negative comments she receives.
“Despite best efforts within society, there is still controversy & somewhat ‘taboo’ surrounding breastfeeding, today another attempt to shame me on my social media was tried...” she writes.
Setting the record straight, Muller says, “Firstly, there is nothing ‘weird’ or ‘gross’ about these photos & there's no difference in me feeding my child with my breast than someone feeding him/herself with a spoon!
“Secondly, how about we simply appreciate that any mother has options, the right to her own choices, to feel supported & respected, the right to not have to hide, in fact the right to SHARE & POST proudly if she feels comfortable to do so!”
Muller goes onto explain why mums share breastfeeding pictures on Instagram and it has nothing to do with wanting “attention” or making a "statement".
They do it because they are “proud”. “We share photos to let all mothers know that however you feed ur child, breast or bottle, that it’s a beautiful act & bond between a mother & her young, we share photos to advocate that it can be done wherever, whenever & HOWEVER (covered or uncovered) & that u can do so without judgement.”