You won’t believe how this mum chose to remember her stillborn daughter

It's simply beautiful
By Practical Parenting team
September 24 2018
If this isn’t the most touching story you’ll read all day, we don’t know what is…
This is Natalie Visage, a mum whose daughter, Eleanor Josephine, was sadly stillborn for no known reason on September 11, 2015 when Natalie was 40 weeks pregnant.

Natalie Visage/Facebook
Natalie, who has an older son, Alfie, has spoken beautifully on Facebook about that day and how earth-shatteringly awful it was, and still is, for her and her husband saying, ‘I would give anything in this world to have a baby spitting up on me, being colicky for all hours of the day and night, screaming, not letting me put her down, cracking my nipples from breastfeeding, keeping me up all night.’
This year on September 11, Eleanor would have been three and her family chose to commemorate her memory in the same way as they have for the last two years – by performing random acts of kindness all day in honour of their daughter.
This year’s random acts included taping a gift card for $25 to a petrol pump for a stranger to find, leaving some new outfits in a stroller outside a shop, buying pizza for people and paying off someone’s lay-by in a chainstore. They also leave a card so the stranger knows what is going on!

Natalie says that her acts mean that Eleanor will never be forgotten and it gives her a focus on such a painful day. She has raised funds on a Go Fund Me page and wrote, 'In honor of her third birthday, I would like to do a MASSIVE random act of kindness/pay it forward day in her memory. I'm raising as much money as I can so that way on September 11, 2018, I can go around town surprising as many people as I can with random acts of kindness - paying for tanks of gas, groceries, meals at restaurants; making care packages for the homeless; sending food to local fire stations; etc.'
And that’s exactly what she did. Natalie and her family kept their Facebook followers up to date with their day of paying it forward and some of the recipients contacted her to thank them for their kind gesture.

Just how lovely is that? We're not crying... you are.