Mum loses 32kg post-pregnancy

She reveals the secret to her weight loss
26-year-old mum of one, Ely Fisher, put on 32kg during her pregnancy, and not only lost it all, but even got rid of her tummy pouch too.
“Stomach fat is one of the most stubborn areas to burn, that & underneath the bottom,” she shared on her Instagram page.
“I’m going to get straight to how I did things.”
The first lesson she learned was to do full body workouts rather than focusing on ‘problem’ areas.
“Your body responds best in a team effort,” she wrote. “So plan your week out working upper body, lower body & an ABS day. For the first year of working out, I made sure at least once a week I had a 30 minute workout JUST for my core & abdominal area.”
Getting her heart rate pumping also helped, the young mum said. “I’m talking Mountain Climbers, Snap/Tuck jumps, commandos, bench jumps! I’ve begun to finish off most workouts with a plank to failure also.”
Engaging the core is another trick Ely has learned, saying “If it’s leg day, make a conscious effort before squatting, to pull that rib cage in, squeeze those glutes and get TIGHT, if it’s arms, do the same!”
Eating clean, while a bit of a no-brainer, is really important too, she added, saying “Abs start in the kitchen.” She has stuck mainly to a high-fat, high-protein and low-carb diet, and eats lots of whole foods.
Setting ‘physique goals’ and opting for skin tightening sessions also helped her along the way. Being patient, tracking progress every four weeks and believing in herself were key too.
Following these steps has helped the Instagram star lose 32kg, dropping from 92kg to around 60kg.

Nicola Conville has worked as a journalist and editor for more than 20 years across a wide range of print and online publications. Her areas of expertise are parenting, health and travel. She has two children; Lucy, age eight, and Nathan, age five.