Mum's shocking confession: 'Yes, I have a favourite child and here's EXACTLY why...'

Mum-of-three Jonica Bray explains exactly why...
By Jonica Bray
@The.WanderTwins Contributing Editor / February 18 2019
'It’s true I have a favourite child, his name is Jonty, he is two and he is my middle child.
A gorgeous little copper-haired, blue-eyed boy who is, in all honesty the apple of my eye.
If you're shocked by this admission, it’s my bet you're probably just lying to yourself and deep down you feel the same way. Why? Because an Australian study determined that 69 percent of people can identify a family favourite.
Go on admit it - I dare you.
Before I go on, I want to make it clear that I absolutely love all three of my children equally. There is no question about that and little Jonty doesn’t get any special treatment. No extra treats, longer cuddles or a later bedtime – everything is fair in our house.
But there are many reasons he is my number one.
Firstly, he is ridiculously well behaved. He is honestly an angel. No tantrums. Has slept through the night for 12 hour stints since he was 11 weeks old.
He goes to bed with a smile and is always so amicable with requests like eating vegetables and putting shoes on; you know the normal stuff that sends most toddlers into massive meltdowns.
With my eldest daughter Caja, my beautiful, funny and smart girl, I went back to work two weeks after a traumatic birth with a rubber ring to sit on at my desk. I worked long hours and took months to heal. Looking back it was an awful time. Of course I realize now that was a ridiculous thing to do, but unfortunately my personal circumstances at the time didn’t give me a lot of options.
And with my last baby Hendry, the cuddliest, cheekiest boy who melts my heart with a single smile, we were a pretty full household by the time he arrived, and there was only a few opportunities for one-on-ones between everything else that goes on with running a household and working.
I must admit when I pinpointed what was happening, I tried to ignore my feelings and there was and still is a certain amount of guilt that comes with the realization. I have doubted myself as a mother, felt ashamed and terribly sad for both Caja and Hendry because they are also amazing, sweet, fun and kind.
But I do also believe that with my, very public admission, it doesn’t have to be a bad thing.

Jonica with her three children, Caja, Jonty and Hendrix/Instagram
You see, now I can make sure I keep those feelings in check. I know the importance of fairness across the board with praise and discipline and I’m more committed than ever to work on that to be a better parent.
Through a lot of soul searching I know the reasons I like Jonty more but most importantly I understand it doesn’t make me love any of them else any less.'
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Follow the adventures of Jonty, Hendry and the rest of the family on Instagram @The.WanderTwins