Mothers' group argument ends in vicious brawl

Two mums are in hospital
Two mums are in hospital after a vicious argument which started online.
Both aged in their 30's started a war with words over their conflicting views on Coronavirus.

Dee Why Police station.
Sydney Northern Beaches police shared the story on its Facebook page, saying the women, in their 30s, had a disagreement about coronavirus online.
“It began with an argument between two women on a mothers’ group chat site about the current coronavirus and its effects,” they said.
“From there, the women, both aged in their 30s, agreed to resolve their differences in person, one bringing along another member for support.
“The argument quickly escalated from verbal to physical; pushing, slapping, hair pulling and finally both on the ground, briefly unconscious, all despite the efforts of bystanders trying to intervene.”

News reported one woman needed a scan for a possible brain injury and the other X-rays for a shoulder injury as well as treatment for cuts, bruising and swelling to her arms, upper body and neck.
Police said they had taken out a Personal Violence Order for one against the other as investigations continue.

Michelle Connolly has worked as a photo director, social media manager and photo editor at some of Australia's biggest media companies, including New Idea. She is now editor of Practical Parenting and loving mum-of-two.