Love a G&T? It may mean you’re a psychopath, study says

If you enjoy a gin and tonic at the end of a busy day, there may be a sinister reason for it, according to researchers in Austria.
Scientists at Innsbruck University have found that people who enjoy bitter tastes, including gin, coffee and dark chocolate, may have psychopathic tendencies.
Researchers examined 1000 people for the study and found that those who enjoy bitter flavours are more likely to exhibit signs of Machiavellianism, sadism and narcissism.
This means they are more prone than others to being duplicitous, cold-hearted and lacking in empathy, vain and selfish.
“General bitter taste preferences emerged as a robust predictor for Machiavellianism, psychopathy, narcissism and everyday sadism,” researchers wrote in the journal Appetite.
The researchers didn’t conclude why people with these traits favour bitter flavours, however they suggested they may experience a ‘thrill’ from them.
For people with sadistic traits, bitter food and drink may be “compared to a rollercoaster ride, where people enjoy things that induce fear”, said study author Christina Sagioglou.
On the flip side, researchers say psychopaths are more likely to be smart, assertive, and cool under pressure, which makes them strong leaders. Bottoms up!

Nicola Conville has worked as a journalist and editor for more than 20 years across a wide range of print and online publications. Her areas of expertise are parenting, health and travel. She has two children; Lucy, age eight, and Nathan, age five.