Mum Review: Kmart Grow N Up Kids Picnic Table and Bench Chair Set

Take a seat ... or pull up a bench, in this case. Because this is a (table) tops review of the Kmart Grow N Up Kids Picnic Table and Bench Chair Set!
Looking for a weather-proof kids picnic table and bench chair set at an affordable price? By gosh, you've come to the right place! This little gem I purchased from Kmart for just $25 is one of the best play equipment purchases I've made. Check out my 'tried and tested' review...
The Reviewers
Mum Franki and her son, Louis, 18 months.
The Product
Grow N Up Summertime Picnic Table, purchased from Kmart, $25. Visit Grown N Up to find stockists in your area.

Teddy bears picnic: Tel us about it?
This is probably the best $25 I spent! I searched high and low for a weather-proof kids outdoor table and chair set and found a few – but they were double the price, and then some! I just wanted something that would last a few summers, as Louis is growing so fast, but would be stable enough for him to sit on safely as a one year-old still finding his feet.
Serve it up: Would you recommend it to other mums?
Yes definitely. Louis was just 12 months old when I bought it and I was surprised at how easily he managed to seat himself. He loved it! He sits outside with his play date friends and they have snacks and lunch at the tables. It’s plastic so very easily to wipe down and I just leave it in the rain, hail and shine – and it still looks good! It hasn’t faded or had any marks.
Assembly point: Any tips to put it together?
It came as sections – the seat benches, the table top and the legs. My 10-year-old son actually assembled it. Puzzles are not my strong point! The pieces just clicked into place – albeit with a bit of force. But you only need to assemble it once. It’s so small that it doesn’t take up hardly any room. And its super light – so you can take it in or outside with one hand (while holding a Vegemite sandwiched in the other).
Take a seat: the verdict
5 stars!

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Franki Hobson is a women’s lifestyle journalist and editor with more than twenty years’ experience. Her areas of expertise include parenting and health and well-being. Franki has two gorgeous boys, Maxwell, 10, and Louis, 1 ½.