No chicken nuggets! Guess the one food Kate Middleton says Princess Charlotte LOVES?

But is it good for her?
By Practical Parenting team
February 05 2019
Kate Middleton has revealed the secret food, Princess Charlotte is obsessed by to a group of school children.
The Duchess of Cambridge was visiting Lavender Primary School in London, meeting kids and talking about the benefits of exercise and healthy eating when she confessed the food that Charlotte can't get enough of!
She revealed that her second child loves nothing more than munching on a bowl of olives - and has even learned how to make pasta sauce from scratch.

‘Charlotte loves olives,’ she said, and told the children that she frequently gets her two eldest children to cook with her - including their favourite ‘cheesy pasta’.
Speaking afterwards, Matthew Kleiner-Mann, chief executive of the the Ivy Learning Trust, said: ‘She was telling us how much her children love cooking and how they cook for her. They made cheesy pasta the other day.
'One stirs the flour, one puts the milk and butter in, and they make salads and stuff. Food is important to her and she understands the links between mental health and physical exercise.'
Kate has previously revealed that George and Charlotte love to 'get their hands messy' making pizza dough.
While olives can be salty, they are a great source of Vitamin E. Their dark color means they are full of phytonutrients. The good, healthy fat in olives helps to protect cells from damage and improve heart health.
Looks like there's no chicken nuggets and chips for the royal children!
During her royal visit to the school, the princess also revealed what made her happy, and showed the kids a photo of her with Prince William and her three children.

"I've got something. It's not very big. Do you want to see it?" Kate asked the children.
"This is a photograph of my family. These are my children and this is my husband. And my family makes me feel happy. And we like playing outside together and spending lots of time together as a family. And that makes me feel very happy. Do you like spending time with your families? What do you like doing sometimes?"