Grieving Dad speaks out about murder-suicide tragedy

This is just heartbreaking
By Practical Parenting team
August 29 2018
Andrew Bond, the father of Lochlan, nine, and husband to Erica, 47, who died in a murder-suicide tragedy has penned a brief but touching tribute to his family.
“Words cannot explain. My angels. Deeply loved,” he wrote on Facebook.
Police are now believed to be looking into Mrs Bond’s history of anxiety and depression to try and work out what led to the tragedy.
Erica and her son were found inside their home in Wyongah on the Central Coast on Tuesday afternoon.
Emergency services were called to the home after neighbours heard the boy’s grandmother screaming after discovering the bodies.
When paramedics arrived on the scene they attempted to revive Mrs Bond and her son but were unable.
Erica had shared several Facebook posts about depression in the past few weeks.

A local man, Henry Sun-Woo, who lived at the golf club Mrs Bond worked at, expressed shock and disbelief at the tragedy, the Daily Mail reported.
"I am absolutely shocked at this, how could that happen? That cannot be. I'm shocked. I see them as a happy family," he said. " I never saw her do anything bad towards her own son. She's always taking care of him."
The Principal at Lochlan’s school also issued a note to parents, saying ‘our heartfelt thoughts are with our much-valued student’s family and friends at this time’.
He also reassured parents the school would be providing ‘significant additional support’ to grieving schoolchildren.
'Detectives are investigating the circumstances surrounding their deaths but no other parties are being sought in relation to this incident,' New South Wales Police said.
A report will be prepared for the coroner.