WOW! Golden Billy Banana Stikeez SELLS for $50k!

Yes! Really! What's going on?
By Frances Sheen
March 23 2019
One of the 100 rare Golden Billy Banana Stikeez has sold for an incredible $50,000!
According to the listing on eBay, the Stikeez had 64 bids and reached more than double the price of the last super-expensive rare Golden Stikeez - which sold for $20,100.
The Coles Stikeez promotion ends in Australia today - the whole phenomenon has taken the country by storm.
Every time supermarket buyers spend more than $30 in Coles they receive a mystery Stikeez which are tiny plastic fruits and vegetables that 'stick' on to surfaces.
There are only 100 Golden Billy Banana Stikeez in existence and they have been selling on eBay for vast sums of money - but we have never seen anything like this!

The seller of this latest one, from Healesville Victoria, has been an eBay member since 2004 but doesn't have any other items up for bid at the moment and not much is known about his identity.
There were 13 bidders for the Stikeez with bidding jumping up in thousands and the (clearly very rich) winner was called 8***m.

One thing is for sure... he should now be at least $50,000 richer than he was before the weekend!
Just last week, one Golden Stikeez sold for $20,100. The seller was a single mum of five who had only put the Stikeez up on eBay in a bid to try and raise enough funds to send her son on a school excursion.
She was gobsmacked by the sale and didn't expect to see the cash, and right now it's not known if she has received the money.
Fans of Facebook page I Bought It At who alerted fans to the huge sale, aren't sure that the sale of the Stikeez is legitimate.
'I'm thinking this is Coles making ridiculous marketing ploys,' said one.
What do you think?
Stikeez sells for more than $20k
Buy the entire Stikeez collection on-line for a fraction of the cost