'Fuming' Prince Charles unleashes on Prince Harry for breaking the law

He was one angry Prince
When it came to their childhood, Prince Harry's was anything but normal.
Prince Charles and Princess Diana's youngest son was tossed into the limelight from the moment he was born in 1984.
Following his parents' divorce, Harry is said to have “rebelled”, which included some "dabbling in drugs", The Express reports.

Netflix documentary, The Royals, released in 2013 claims while on holiday at Highgrove a teenage Prince Harry “frequently snuck into a local pub” to smoke marijuana.
Jennie Bond, a former royal correspondent for the BBC, said: “I think Prince Charles was pretty shocked to find Prince Harry was smoking weed.
“He spoke to William and I think he asked William what should be done, and – maybe it was William’s suggestion I don’t know – but one way or another Harry ended up at a rehabilitation centre.”
Prince Charles is said to have taken his sons to Featherstone Lodge Centre for the day, where they toured the grounds and heard about people’s experiences with drugs.

Bill Puddicombe, former Head of Featherstone Lodge Centre, recalls sitting in his office when he received a call from the royal.
He explained: “He asked if we could arrange a private visit for Prince Harry to come and see Featherstone Lodge.
“There was no press involvement. In fact, it was requested that there was no press involvement.
"We weren’t told why but we knew at this time there was talk about the young Princes becoming involved with their mother and father’s charitable works, that seemed likely to be the reason.”
Zoe Griffin, Editor and founder of LiveLikeAVip.com said: “When Prince Charles heard the news he went mental, he demanded that Prince Harry went to a rehab clinic to talk to other people who had drug addiction just to make sure he never progressed beyond cannabis.”
While the royal family attempted to leave the press out of the matter, it was the News Of The World who ended up spilling the story of why the Prince was really visiting the centre.

Grace is our Digital News and Entertainment Editor. When not stuck in a seemingly endless Instagram scroll, you'll find Grace with her head in a good book.