WATCH HERE: Drag queen performs "baby shark" to delighted toddler

So sweet!
New Jersey drag queen Marti Gould Cummings has gone viral for performing the song Baby Shark for a star-struck toddler.
Cummings performs regularly at the weekly “What’s the Tea” drag brunch at Talde, a restaurant in Jersey City in the US. Part of the show involves taking requests from the audience.
The performer said that while typically there are a few kids at the drag brunch, they tend to not be very engaged in the show. However one afternoon Cummings noticed a toddler who was paying close attention.
“I asked the little boy what he wanted to see performed, because he had been paying attention when I got to their table,” Cummings said to NBC. The answer? Baby Shark.
A few critics lashed out saying that a drag show was no place for a child, however Marti was quick to shut down their concerns.
“Drag is expression, and children are such judgment-free beings; they don’t really care what you’re wearing, just what you’re performing," Marti told NBC.
The performer said that similar criticisms are often leveled at drag queen story hour, an event done at libraries across the country in which drag queens read to kids, but the kids “don’t care that I am a gay man in a dress; they care about the story.”

Nicola Conville has worked as a journalist and editor for more than 20 years across a wide range of print and online publications. Her areas of expertise are parenting, health and travel. She has two children; Lucy, age eight, and Nathan, age five.