Coles Stikeez 2 starts in store this week

Get ready for the chaos to begin!
Coles hugely successful collectables promotion is back!
Stikeez 'Fresh Friends' are a brand new round of 24 teeny tiny plastic figurines.
Keen shoppers have reported seeing the coveted collector cases already in store at their local Coles supermarkets.

The Stikeez characters have been given some of the most popular Aussie kids’ names such as Abby Avocado, Benji Bread, Chloe Cauliflower, Ella Eggs and Will Walnut, and customers can collect one Stikeez at the check-out for every $30 they spend in one transaction at Coles Supermarkets, Coles Express and Coles Online.
After the wave of criticism Coles received with the first round of Stikeez, this new collection is recyclable.

There is also a range of exclusive Stikeez Fresh Friends merchandise available including collector cases and collector tins for $4 each, a kid’s plate for $3 which helps kids with the Coles Fresh 5 Challenge, kids bowls and tumblers for $2 each and drink bottles for $5.

The collector case holds all 24 of the new stikeez characters, but if you look carefully there is space at the bottom of the case for what looks like the rare collectables. Who can forget the mania of the Golden Billy Banana last year? One of the highly coveted characters sold for a staggering $50K on eBay!
Get ready for the excitement to start all over again, the brand new stikeez collection will be in store from Wednesday.

Michelle Connolly has worked as a photo director, social media manager and photo editor at some of Australia's biggest media companies, including New Idea. She is now editor of Practical Parenting and loving mum-of-two.
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