Rushed to hospital: Mum’s scary Coles Little Shop mishap

‘I have spent the last five days in and out of the emergency room’
By Amy Sinclair
September 29 2019
They’re the supermarket collectables loved by thousands of children across Australia.
But now one mum has issued a scary warning about Coles supermarket’s Little Shop minis after revealing a harrowing incident with her son.
Sharing her story to Facebook, mum Nay says her four-year-old managed to open the Oak chocolate milk mini, from the first series of Little Shop.
And while she had always assumed - as most would - that the mini was empty inside, it in fact had tiny styrofoam balls inside, sparking a five-day medical emergency.
Nay writes: “🚫⚠ Coles little shop ⚠🚫 DANGER I always thought the little OAKmilk mini was just cardboard, how wrong was I! They are filled with mini styrofoam balls!” she said.
‘I have spent the last five days in and out of the emergency room with my 4 yr old because he put these tiny, tiny little balls in his ears.
‘After 4 doctors attempting to remove them in as many ED visits, they have got all but one out, which is stuck deep in a bit of ear wax.

Image: Facebook
‘After a consult from an ENT specialist this morning he advised we just leave it in there (being it’s a piece of plastic and not an insect or something that can rot) with the hopes it will come out on its own while bathing because the risks of damaging the ear and anaesthesia are greater than if we just see what happens.
‘If he gets ear infections or the pain worsens there will be no choice but to put him into theatre under anaesthesia to remove it - which comes with its own risks.’
The concerned mum says she decided to share her story as a warning to other mums.
‘Yes I took my eyes of my child for a few minutes - so yes, there’s fault on me here but I’m sharing this because these Coles minis are marketed at children and so many have these in their houses,’ she wrote.
‘I feel I should share because the Coles “quality department” haven’t replied to me (notified them on 22nd, it happened 21st).”
Coles eventually responded three days later, telling the mum:
‘At Coles we care about the safety of all our customers. All of our mini collectables have been independently tested for compliance with Australian Standards.
‘This testing is specifically aimed at reducing risks and demonstrating the quality and safety of materials and products. We are in contact with the customer to keep her updated and the matter has been reported to the ACCC.’
Nay updated her post, saying: ‘I have spoken to customer care, their reply is to wait to hear from “quality department”. I feel people need to know sooner rather than later so no other chicken have to go through this.’
Originally published as Rushed to hospital: Mum’s scary Coles Little Shop mishap
Watch: How to set up little shop for the Coles mini collectables